ARC Hub Primary Care Network
A Primary Care Network is a group of GP Practices working together with a range of local providers across the following services:-
- Primary Care
- Community Services
- Social Care
- Voluntary Sector
The aim is to offer a more personalised co-ordinated health and social care approach to the local population.
Our PCN is called The ARC Hub PCN and is made up of the following practices:
- St Luke’s Primary Care Centre
- Eleanor Cross Healthcare
- Danes Camp Medical Centre
- Rillwood Medical Centre
Increasingly there are patients in the local community who need support that crosses over from medical into social. The PCN will be supported by Clinical Pharmacists who can advise you regarding any aspect of your medications and Social Prescribers who can put you in contact with local or national services who may be best placed to help you. This covers a wide range of areas including bereavement, social isolation, carers group, getting more active, low self-esteem and lifestyle support.
Please speak to a member of reception if you feel you would benefit from these services. You do not need to see your doctor to access these services.